Website Development

Website Development

There is a significant difference between a Savvy Website and a non-Savvy website. Your website is not just a brand showcase, it’s a business tool.

The Savvies and our team of developers have expertise in all of the above. This means we deliver websites and technical solutions better, and below the cost of most other professional development teams.

You have always heard of people who have had a website built on a shoestring by a family friend. The site may even look good. We have never come across a site built by someone without marketing expertise that could work as anything other than a ‘shop’ window. Your site needs to be able to draw people to it, and through it, to the action you need, over and over again.

Equally, if you have been quoted money you feel uncomfortable with for something you don’t understand, and you can’t imagine the site paying back, stop now, and ask us for an opinion. We, and probably you, have heard many stories of people throwing money down the drain for a website.

Fortunately (and with a lot of planning and dedication to the end result), Savvy clients have never experienced either of the above!

Before You Build a Website

A good website should be able to last 5 years. Considering what you may need before you start, even if it will be built later, can influence the platform we choose today.

  • Your website will be the main ‘touch point’ for your customers, if you don’t already know
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What problem are you looking to solve for them?
  • How do you make them feel?
  • What makes you unique?
  • Who would they choose if you didn’t exist?
  • What tone of voice do they want to hear?

Most website platforms can be integrated with most other marketing, stock management, and accounting platforms. It helps immensely to consider this before we start building.

Hint…usually it’s mostly mobile! Clients tend to judge websites on a big desktop screen to see and add detail, almost all our sites are mostly visited on mobile where less detail is vital.  

Looking at the profile of your user can help determine this as well as previous site’s data.


  • Make the journey through the site as easy and user-friendly as possible
  • The structure and navigation of the site needs to be clear to both users and Search Engines

Every action a visitor takes can, and should, be set up to be measured so Savvy can tailor and adapt communication as we learn what works best.

Photoshoots, copywriting and editing are time-consuming but can take place while the developers are at work and helps speed up the process

mavericks members

WordPress Web Development

Pools for Africa web screenshot

WordPress Web Development

Savvy Web Development Partners